Rave Master Wiki
Rave Master Wiki

Solasido Sharpner is a descendant of Clea Maltese and the leader of Ray Barrier City.





Tower Of Din arc[]

Musica develops an attraction towards her and tries to hit on her. Her brother Solasido is protective of her and get mad at Musica every time he tries to make a move on Remi. Both of them along with Fua (one of the cities warriors), assisted the Rave Warriors during the battle at the Tower of Din.

The Final Battle arc[]

Sacred Barrier unit helps the Rave Warriors

Remi helps the Rave Warriors

Remi, alongside Fua and Solasido and many others, helps the Rave warriors during the final battle against Lucia Raregroove after clearing a path for Haru and the others and stating that theyknew of the upcoming battle thanks to a letter they received from fifty years ego. After the final battle ends with the Rave warriors as the victors, Elie and Haru get married in a ceremony to which Remi and her older brother as well as Fua attends.


