Rave Stones (the "Stones of Light" in the English anime), originally known as "Holy Bring", are five mystical stones created by Resha Valentine using the power of Etherion. They are the only known objects powerful enough to destroy the Dark Brings. Rave can only used by one person, the Rave Master, with the only exception being the Rave's Bearer.
The initial Rave Stone is unique in its appearance as it's reminiscent of a miniature sword, small enough to fit in the palm and is blue in color and embedded on the cross-guard is a round stone bearing a cross. While all the other stones appear as small spherical pale blue orbs with different markings on them. When all the Rave Stones are fused, it took the appearance of the sword shaped one.
The scared Stones of Rave possess the power of light and the counter force to the Dark Brings, stones of darkness. They can only be used by one sole person in the world known as the Rave Master due to Raves overwhelming power so fewer would struggle for it. The moniker of Rave Master is chosen by the stones itself based on who is worthy to wield the power of Rave.
The Rave Stone was created by Resha Valentine with her born magic, Etherion as the primary and sole means of destroying the Dark Brings. The Rave Stone's were initially named the Holy Bring but later rename into Rave after the first and last letters of its creator's names: Resha Valentine in honour of her passing. In the final battle against the Mother Dark Bring, Shiba Roses and the Rave's bearer, Plue employed it against the Sinclaire, but was unable to destroy the Dark Bring entirely and ended up invoking the legendary Overdrive, an explosion that wiped out a tenth of the world.[1]
Plue had sensed the explosion and sacrificed himself in order to protect his master. The impact of the eruption had been powerful enough to split the Rave into five pieces, scattering them and Plue's body across the world.[2]
Each of the 4 stones were then guarded by the spirit of the deceased Azure Sky Warriors until the arrival of the Rave Master to collect them while the main one remained with Shiba.
In the year 0066, Shiba's stone no longer works for him as it had chosen Haru Glory as the new Rave Master, thus passing his Rave Stone to Haru for him to continue his mission. After Haru was chosen to be the next Rave Master, he set out on an adventure across the world with Plue to find an collect the Rave Stones.
After collecting all five stones and proving himself to worthy of the Rave's power, Elie combined all the stones in with her Etherion power into one stone.
- Main Rave: The main piece of Rave, it enables the Rave Master superhuman strength, speed, agility, stamina, endurance and durability. Given enough time, it's possible that it can enhance these abilities even further as after months of being the Rave Master. The Rave's power is capable of destroying Dark Bring stones effect their abilities. When Haru punches while holding the main piece in his fist, it can cause explosions on impact. This piece is what grants Decaforce Sword it's various forms while embedded into the Ten Commandments as it contains the memory of each form.
- Rave of Knowledge: This stone provides the Rave Master with warrior skills and techniques; if he is given a clue to something he can discover the simple path. It distributes its user knowledge at its will in times of need, such as utilizing the 10 transformations of the Ten Commandments.
- Rave of Combat: Not only does it enhances the Rave Master's physical attributes even further, but it also allows it and Plue to project force-fields. This Rave is said to be Plue's exclusive Rave.
- Rave of Destiny: allows the wielder of the stone to speak with the prophet Saga Pendragon, informing the holder of future events.
- Rave of Truth: A stone that speaks the truth; it revealed that Haru, up till Chapter 238, was not the true Rave Master. This led to a dramatic duel with the original Rave Master, Shiba.