Rave Master Wiki
Rave Master Wiki

Fua (フーア Fūa) is Solasido Sharpner and Remi Sharpner's comrade. He aids the Rave Warriors in the battle against King.


Fua is a man of many distinct features, with the most prominent one being his devil horn beard; formed directly opposite to each other and reaching below his jaw. The black devil horn beard stands out the most due to its two oddly shaped strands jotting precisely downwards—and his bare face. Fua keeps his hair tied in a long-horse ponytail with a wooden object in the center of his forehead with the Kanji: "Love." Further, possesses slightly large ears and thin lips. He has slanted eyes with brown irises sheltered by thick eyebrows spotting three pointy ends. Fua, in contrary to his thick eyebrows, has thin eyelashes and a small nose, with his cheekbones visible to the naked eye. Said man's body is of hefty posture, covered by his many armor pieces.[1]

Fua wears an armor at all times, it resembles the traditional Japanese samurai armor, with red spaulders covering his shoulders and a heavy plate shielding his upper body. He dons long black pants with several faulds circling his waist line. Around his ankle, he spots two greaves, respectively. Under the armor, however, he wears black clothing. Fua's right eye is covered by an eye patch, it is unknown why however. His choice of footwear is that of simple sandals exposing his feet.[1]


Fua is shown to be very protective of his comrades Solasido and Remi, as well as the sacred land they inhabit whilst assuming the role of protectors of Rave. At first glance, he does not hesitate to attack trespassers and refers to them as "Demonoids", creatures which have sullied their land in search of Rave and its phony holder. However, he does display a respectful nature to the ones around him that mean no harm to the light.


Tower of Din arc[]


Sacred Barrier unit helps the Rave Warriors

Fua helps the Rave Warriors

The Final Battle arc[]

fua alongside solasido and remi and many more helps the reve warriors during the final battle against lucia raregroove afler clearing a path for haru and the others and stating that they knew of the upcoming battle thanks to a letter they received

from fifty years ago written by sieg the final battle ands with the rave warriors as the victors, Elie and Haru get married. A wedding to which fua solasido y remi attend.

Powers and Abilities[]

Master Swordsman:




  1. 1.0 1.1 Rave Master Manga: Chapter 51, Page 8

